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Get to Know Us...

Meet: Melissa 


 Hello! My name is Melissa Marszalek and I am a Functional Medicine Nutrition Counselor, Health Advocate, and Homesteader from the rural hills of Prattsburgh, New York.


I help inspire people to take their wellness into their own hands to become responsible for their health and well-being. 


For far too long, the allopathic health and medical care system, along with our modern food systems, have been missing the mark and letting us down.  Unhealthy food has become so common that eating healthy food is now seen as “dieting.” So many people  lack basic nutritional knowledge because nutrition is not part of most school's curriculum.  This includes your doctor’s training as well. Many doctors receive very few hours of nutrition training. Pair this deficiency in nutrition knowledge with the many fad diets and trends on the market and that leaves people confused and feeling overwhelmed. The result is a country of many unwell and food-confused people. 


This system is keeping people sick, frustrated, dependent on pharmaceuticals, and feeling like they have no hope. I understand exactly how these individuals feel because I was once there, too.  This is WHY I chose to learn about growing food and understanding nutrition.  Although my own journey to seeking perfect health continues (let's be real here - we are all a work in progress) and has been a long one, I have so much vision, knowledge and hope for a better way forward for us all. 


My first career was in environmental education, but I also studied sustainability and organic farming.  I grew up in a rural foodie family and have always had a passion for REAL food.  My grandfather was a farmer, complete with overalls and a corn cob pipe, and he was my favorite person on earth.  My dad was the hunter, forager, and gardener.  My mom made most of our meals from scratch.


In 2009, my husband Mark and I bought 24 acres of land, erected a yurt, and started our journey to walking our walk.  Over the years, we have created permaculture systems, raised beds, orchards, mushroom logs, kept bees, tapped trees, and raised our own poultry for meat and eggs.  We embodied the off-grid homestead life.  In 2019, I decided public education and the non-profit world was no longer for me.  I went back to school for nutrition.  For four years, I worked with a holistic Chiropractor and took in information like a fiend.  I studied Functional Medicine Nutrition based on whole body systems and using food and herbs as medicine.  This type of medicine system also addresses the whole person and not just one aspect.  A true mind, body, and spirit type of model. 


Today, I feel energized and grateful for all the amazing natural health practitioners and doctors who helped me find my way.  It is hard to believe now, because my health issues were so obvious, but it took seeing 20 regular allopathic doctors over the years to finally be diagnosed with endometriosis back in 2013.  How could 19 of them miss this? 


If you are feeling this same frustration, not getting answers, and feeling like you are never going to achieve the health you deserve, let’s put our heads together and get you figured out next. 


One primary theme I have learned is: the root of most illness and disease is caused by garbage in and not enough garbage out.  Meaning, our world is full of toxic junk and our bodies are struggling to keep up with the enormous toxic load.  Cleaning up what we put in and on our bodies is just one part of the solution.  We must clean out the junk!!


Lastly, mindset is such an important part of our healing process. We have to have a willingness to change not only our ways, but our thinking and our belief systems.  


If you are ready to make changes in YOUR life and BELIEVE you can heal, then let's connect and start the process together.  


 Melissa XXX


P.S. - Yes, I still climb trees!  I am a true outdoor girl at heart. 


Melissa has the following certificate programs and trainings:


  • Functional Medicine Nutrition Counselor (CFNC)

  • Access Bars Practitioner

  • Transferceutical Science Immune System Rep


Yurt Life - Taking a Break

Melissa and her husband Mark - Hiking

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